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How Is Programmatic Advertising Different From Google Display Advertising?

A question digital advertisers often get asked is if Programmatic Advertising is the same as advertising on the Google Display Network. Although the answer is complex, continue reading to learn about the biggest differences.

Programmatic advertising is advertising that finds an audience based on parameters you set (age, gender, income level, marital status, etc). Once you’ve established who you want to target, you allow algorithms and other data inputs to find this relevant audience wherever they are consuming media, including websites and apps. The content does not need to be relevant to the ad because you are looking to target your audience anywhere they are consuming media. The Google Display Network (GDN) has similar targeting methods and allows for granular targeting, but the difference is that GDN ads are only displayed on Google partner sites and apps. Your inventory options are limited to these placements, where programmatic advertising is done on a Demand Side Platform (DSP) and is served on any website or app available within that DSP.

Another difference between GDN and programmatic advertising is that GDN is limited to display ads. Programmatic advertising on most DSPs allows for multiple inventory types like video on all devices including CTV, display, and native. There is a video option available, however, it is limited to YouTube properties only since Google owns the platform.

When deciding between programmatic and GDN, it’s important to keep in mind who your audience is, targeting options, and available budget. When your budget allows, it is always a good idea to test Google campaigns vs Programmatic. There are instances where programmatic will have a higher click-through rate, but also times where you will see stronger performance on GDN. Testing and learning as much as possible will ensure that you have the most successful campaigns.

At Adomotive, our success depends on your success. We’ll find the right programmatic advertising to generate a successful campaign. Contact us today to get started!


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